The Concept of Raising Vibration Was Once Considered Woo-Woo. Not Any More!
By the end of this article, you’ll understand:
- Why trying to “jump” to positive emotions too quickly often backfires.
- How incremental shifts on the Emotional Scale lead to sustainable relief.
- The role of vibrational momentum in creating lasting emotional change.
- Practical techniques to identify your current emotional set point and shift upward.
- Why relief is more important than “fixing” yourself.
Why “Think Positive” Doesn’t Always Work.
Have you ever been told to just think positive, only to feel even worse when you couldn’t force yourself there? It’s a common experience, and here’s why: when you’re feeling stuck in a low vibration (like anger, guilt, or fear), trying to leap to excitement or love is like attempting to pole vault across a canyon without a running start.
The Emotional Scale for Alignment™ Step-by-Step to Emotional Mastery.
If you’re familiar with The Emotional Guidance Scale from Abraham-Hicks, that’s fantastic. When it first emerged, it was ground-breaking—a powerful map for understanding emotions and shifting toward better-feeling states. But life has evolved. So have we. And so has the need for a more practical, actionable, and scientifically grounded approach to emotional mastery.
That’s where The Emotional Scale for Alignment™ comes in. This isn’t just an update—it’s a reinvention. Think of it as version 2.0: a refined, structured, and results-driven approach designed to meet you where you are today and take you exactly where you want to go next. No longer just a spiritual or vibrational concept, this system integrates science with real-world applications, making emotional intelligence more accessible, measurable, and life enhancing.
Rooted in the principles of vibrational alignment and influenced by leading insights in personal development, The Emotional Scale for Alignment™ provides a clear, documented process for working with emotions—step by step—so you can recognize emotional momentum before it spirals downward, pause and reset in a way that truly shifts your state, and manage emotions intentionally, moving upward with purpose. And then you can finally claim that elusive title of ‘Emotionally Intelligent’ (if that’s your goal).
Quick Start Emotional Scale
Here’s an example of how our Quick Start Emotional Scale progresses from expansive, high-vibrational states at the top, through neutral and stabilizing emotions in the middle, to more contracted and restrictive states at the bottom:
Expansive States (High Vibe)
These are the emotions that make you feel expansive—like you’re radiant, magnetic, charismatic, and full of life. They bring confidence, connection, and a strong sense of presence.
1. Pure Joy / Radiant Appreciation
2. Passionate / Powerful / Empowered
3. Enthusiastic / Excited
4. Happy / Confident
5. Positively Anticipating
6. Playful / Light-hearted
Neutral/Passive States (Mid Vibe)
Neutral/Passive States act as grounding points on the scale—a place to rest, recalibrate, and stabilize before moving forward. These emotions aren’t flashy or intense, but they play a crucial role in emotional regulation.
7. Hopeful / Optimistic / Grateful
8. Open-Minded / Encouraged
9. Satisfied / Comfortable
10. Contented / Calm
11. Compassionate / Self-Respecting
12. Contemplative / Introspective
Contractive States (Low Vibe)
Contractive States are the emotions that make you feel small, isolated, alone, or disconnected. In these states, life may seem overwhelming, unfair, or meaningless.
13. Doubtful / Uncertain
14. Discouraged / Disappointed / Unhappy
15. Frustrated / Irritated
16. Blaming / Critical / Judgmental / Defensive
17. Angry / Resentful
18.Fearful / Desperate / Depressed / Devastated
The goal isn’t to jump from the lowest state to the highest—it isn’t wise and in most cases, that’s not even possible. Instead, recognizing where you are and reaching for the next available step makes the shift feel natural and sustainable. When you move gradually, your vibration settles and strengthens at each level, making true emotional alignment feel effortless rather than like a forced or fake attempt at spiritual ascension.
Why Incremental Shifts Work Better Than Emotional Leaps.
Emotions carry momentum. When you try to override a powerful negative emotion by pretending to be positive, your inner guidance system knows it’s not authentic. Instead of relief, you feel resistance—and that resistance can push you further down the scale.
By making small, achievable shifts, you work with your emotional momentum instead of against it. This approach is more sustainable and creates long-term emotional stability and a sense of empowerment, as you realise that nothing; no contrast, no unfortunate event, no significant occurrence; can make you feel bad ever again, without you knowing exactly how to rise above it and find alignment again, anytime, anywhere.
How To Identify Your Current Vibrational Set Point.
Before you can shift upward, you need to know where you are. Here’s how to pinpoint your current vibrational set point:
1. Pause and Reflect: Take a moment to check in with yourself. What are you feeling right now?
2. Name the Emotion: Use this Quick Start Emotional Scale to label your emotion without judgment.
3. Briefly Define Why: This provides a footing so you can move from where you are to something better.
4. Acknowledge It: Say to yourself, This is where I am, and that’s okay.
By acknowledging your current emotion and being aware of the reason, you release resistance and open the door for upward movement.
Techniques to Shift Your Vibration Upward.
1. Reach for Relief, Not Perfection.
Your only goal should be to feel a little bit better than you do right now. For example, if you’re feeling discouraged, aim for frustration—it’s a more energized state and easier to manage. Once there, you can move toward hopefulness or contentment. Try something like: I don’t need to fix this today—I can just find relief instead.
2. Micro-Movements of Thought.
Sometimes, the smallest shift in thought can create momentum. For instance, if you’re stuck in worry, you can move to impatience, frustration or overwhelm and think:
- I want this problem sorted out right now.
- Maybe things will work out but it’s too much to think about.
- These tough situations are so frustrating.
These micro-thoughts are like stepping stones that gently lead you upward. If you were already feeling positive and hopeful though, they’d be a few steps down, so honestly identifying exactly where you are on the scale first is essential.
3. Emotional Calibration Through Journaling.
Journaling is a powerful tool for calibrating your emotions. Write down:
- What you’re feeling now.
- The next emotion you want to reach.
- A few thoughts that align with that next emotion.
Example: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you might write: I feel overwhelmed right now, but that’s okay. Overwhelm means I care about what I’m doing. Maybe if I take a small step, things will feel lighter.
4. Guided Reading Meditations.
Reading meditations for Emotional Calibrating and those in our Vibrational Alignment Toolkit, are designed to gently guide you through the Emotional Scale. By engaging your mind with vibrationally accurate uplifting words, you can shift emotionally without forcing anything.
5. Celebrate Small Shifts.
Each small shift is a victory. Celebrate when you move from anger to frustration or from pessimism to boredom. These shifts matter because they build energy, and when that energy speeds up, that becomes what is referred to as vibrational momentum.
Practical Example: Moving from Discouragement to Hope.
Let’s say you wake up feeling discouraged. Instead of trying to force yourself to be optimistic, you could:
1. Acknowledge the Discouragement: I’m so discouraged right now.
2. Briefly Define Why: Because this thing didn’t work out how I thought it would.
3. Reach for Doubt: I doubt things will work out after all, and this doubt actually has a bit less resistance to it.
4. Move to Boredom: Eh, there’s not much happening and the subject is a bit boring but at least I’m not discouraged anymore.
5. Go towards Hope: Oh I’m actually feeling something shift. This energy means I care and if I care this much, it means there’s potential for things to get better.
Why Relief Must Be the Ultimate Goal.
Relief is the signal that you’re moving in the right direction. When you prioritize relief over perfection, you allow yourself to progress naturally without pressure or self-judgment.
The benefit of emotional calibration is that it’s a process, not a race. As you gently move along the scale, you’ll notice that behaviours you once struggled with begin to dissolve on their own, replaced by actions that align with your higher self. You’ll notice that events that once may have thrown you off balance, don’t hold power over you anymore.
The effects of calibrating accumulate over time and can surprise and thrill you when you least expect it. The situation may still be the same, but you’ve changed, your vibration is changed, and your emotional setpoint need never be the same again.
Final Thoughts: Trust Yourself and the Process.
Vibrational calibration is about trusting that small, consistent shifts create big changes over time. There’s no need to rush or force yourself into positivity. By embracing each step on the Emotional Scale, you honour where you are while gently guiding yourself toward relief, calm, stability, and alignment. You can do this. And it works so much easier if you take it just one step at a time.
Try one of these step by step emotional upgrades and find out for yourself.